Saturday 24 August 2024

Bugger me that went quick

Yeah it went quick alright. Quicker than a thousand greased gazelles to be honest. One minute it’s April and I’m signing off for a bit of a break and the next thing you ruddy know it’s almost September!

As it happens I swore off the bloggersphere almost entirely, so apologies to anyone whose blogs have been sans moi this past few months. Like I told the wife recently. « It’s not you it’s me, love. »

Starting on a grim note (always play to your strengths) I’ve been investigating the VERY local activities of this particular son of a bitch.

You can expect more on this twat and his merry men when the mood takes me. It’s always good to have something to look forward to I find, n’est ce pas? 

Thankfully, light relief has been provided by the wonderful zoom games I’ve been allowed to take part in, which are very well documented over at Palouse Wargaming Journal and Prometheus in Aspic. Other than that I’ve been tinkering in my geek cave of mystery with the following:

Galleys and Galleons - always good for a bit of fun solo gaming. This piccy is from « Revenge of the Megalodon » I think…(given there’s a ruddy great shark fin in the middle of the photo). I enjoyed myself so much with these 1:450 PP models that I broke out a few more from the pile of shame and have now painted them up.

6mm Baccus WOTR troops. 15 stands of men from the Earl of Dudley’s (made up) retinue were completed.

And here are a similar number of chaps who are followers of the Yorkist Duke of Tipton (also made up). Each force represents one wing of a larger Yorkist / Lancastrian army and they were created along with some home brew rules to introduce a French friend to wargaming. I’m pretty chuffed with the rules so these will be getting a good old work out I suspect. 

2mm Martian madness. These tripods were cobbled together out of fishing weights and bent coat hanger wire. Necessity is definitely the mother of invention it seems. The steam tank / land ship came from Brigade if I recall. This project is now mothballed for the foreseeable.

Victorian / steam punk submarine wars. Two lashed up subs to test some home brew rules…which were reassuringly terrible…sigh. The one on the left is the « plongĂ© » armed with an extendable hollow charge explosive device which it can attach to enemy ships and the one one the right is the « SS Steak Knife », equipped with an oversized underwater ram on the nose and three internal mines released via the dorsal hatches. Another project shelved, probably for ever.

Bit of a tangent…but I’ll leave you with some pictures of the wonderful world of French crisps. No cheese and onion unfortunately but we do have these delightful flavours by way of compensation:

Two of my five a day. I need these, my therapist says, because I am weak. 

Not sure which genius came up with the mushroom flavour but I’ve written to Macron suggesting they get the medal of honour. 
