Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Coming along nicely

Yes it’s another gratuitous show and tell post - which I wanted to call “Privates on Parade” until I realised how much extra internet traffic that would generate. 

The recent gift from Mr Morrison has inspired me to raise my painting game and though they’re not to his standard I’m happy knowing that these are the best I can manage. Perhaps more importantly I’ve had a smashing time painting them. It’s been a long time since painting has been anything other than a grind to be got through! I think they’ll cost the mustard on the games table. 

Native troops of a Christian persuasion were allowed to wear shako’s apparently. Lucky them. This unit looks very Napoleonic I think

1st Company of the 64th Regiment. Though they have traded their red jackets for a variety of hand dyed khaki shirts and shell jackets many have managed to retain their dark blue / black trousers. A unit flag is on the way for these lads.

An adhoc unit of Sikh soldiers led by a British officer. Better turned out than the 64th by God. 

2nd Company of the 64th Regiment - who will be tasked with the defence of a fictional town in Northern India.

Still to come are 4 units of mutinous sepoys, 16 irregular cavalry, various civilians, artillery, water carriers, snake charmers and elephants to name but a few. I’ve also got some pretty nice scenery arriving from Sarissa. 

Due here any day now are:

A European officers bungalow.

And one I’ve earmarked as being the District Commissioners office.

So then some decent progress so far - but plenty more to go. I’m planning to make the most of the winter quiet time to get the project finished and hopefully some games in by the summer. 

Empress do some very nice 28mm ECW sculpts too by the way.

Just sayin’.
