Friday 19 November 2021

New directions

Bugger me it’s been a year since I started this blog…

Man that went quick.

If you look back at the first few posts it’s pretty clear that a lot has changed for me gaming wise in that short space of time and a few months ago I embarked on a brief reappraisal of what I wanted from the hobby - and what was really possible in my more modern space restrictive environment. 

The long and the short of it has been a move towards pocket sized armies and limited board sizes. The WOTR troops have gone, along with the Wofun flats, 6mm ECW, the Viking and Saxon armies and all of the ship models that were going to be part of my early Elizabethan naval gaming.

Sometimes the enthusiasm wanes never to be rekindled (Viking, Saxon & WOTR), sometimes you can’t find the the right rules, minis or scale, (Wofun & Elizabethan naval) and sometimes you discover that some types or periods of warfare are just not that rewarding to try and recreate, (I’m looking at you cogs). 

Reluctantly I’ve come to the conclusion that for me the days of large armies big tables and deep pockets have probably gone - though thankfully there still seems to be fun to be had!

Branching out into smaller scales and completely new genre’s like VSF has rekindled my enthusiasm and made new projects do-able again. Happily this blogs little band of cognoscenti have been willing to tolerate the drift…so far. 

So, along with 2mm ECW and the ongoing VSF campaign I’ve decided to double down by testing the patience of the blogs readership yet further.

There’ll likely be some 15mm VBCW and dreadnaughty naval stuff coming up in the new year but the projects actually in the pipeline at the moment include these guys…

Igg, Ogg…and Dave, with the Paleo Diet rules 

Roll a 1 and you might get assimilated.

Plus some Star Trek shenanigans - using the old Space Hulk rules.

They all tick the pocket sized, campaign friendly boxes, have established rules …and more importantly are now in the pipeline at Broom towers.

You have been warned, lol.

As a quick bye the bye, I’ve also developed a hankering for this solo card game…

Spearpoint 43 - now with added Russianfrontyness.

so if anyone already has it, or has any views on it - I’d be keen to hear them.



  1. Splendid JBM…
    I can honestly tell you that you have an active and very healthy wargames butterfly…
    Welcome to the club…


    All the best. Aly

    1. Hi Aly, yeah that butterfly is flapping wings like mad at the moment. Neanderthals….? Oh god I seem to have posted a family photo in error! Lol.

  2. One of the reasons I down sized to 10mm was that I could put on reasonable sized games on a 3' x 2' table for say 18th/19thC games and a 4' x 4' for WWII. Not quite pockets armies but pretty close. I've also had good games on a 2' x 2' table, again with 10mm, but at a more skirmish level such as Lion Rampant or Rebels & Patriots. I look forward to seeing how your pocket armies and games develop:)

    1. Some of the problem is available space and some is just the “faff” of setting up and putting away again Steve. Like the game playing - hate the effort involved!

  3. I know just where you are coming from JBM, I think I'm at a kind of parallel point in my hobby life. Be interesting to see how this all pans out. Totally agree re the 'faff' of setting games up, and that's just where the Portable Wargame concept works for me. Best of luck with it all.

    1. Hi Lee, I’m just too lazy for my own good, that’s the real problem!

  4. Refreshing and reinvigorating the interests are all good and important hobby aspects - well that's what Igg, Ogg and Dave told me anyway. They said 'free the mind ... man!'

    I am having another refresh and so the paint brushes are out again after what seems to be ages!

    1. Neanderthal Californian stoners…it’ll take a while to get that image out of my head!

  5. Ah Space Hulk now there is a blast from the past. Simple to grasp but actual tactical thinking paid dividends and it worked really well for solo play. I have often considered dipping a toe into that particular pond again but without the GW expenditure levels. I shall watch your progress with interest. By the way I think what 'Dave' was trying to say is "urghhh rules make brain hurt. Smash things, eat remains...good...yes?"

    1. I got space hulk for my two lads back in the day and we had a lot of fun with it. The Borg should make a good substitute for gene stealers I reckon.

      Paleo Diet is another solo friendly game and it’s simple to run which is lucky since one of the participants will be Dave who as you point out finds that rules make his brain hurt. Lol.

  6. Those Neanderthal figures are wrong. It's a wargaming myth that the Ugg Tribe went into battle bare chested. I think you'll find that was the Cro Magnons.

    Sorry, my inner button counter took over there.

    Certainly a diverse range of interests. I need something to kick start my gaming again.

    1. Hi matey, you do make me laugh… however I can’t let your button counter assertion go without a full on TMP style slap down.

      “Ahh nundanket, nundanket, nundanket, I expected better from you my friend. Falling for Professor Tranquart’s egregious misinterpretation of the Chauvet cave paintings. REALLY.!!!!! New black light studies clearly show that those art works were altered in the Middle Ages to pander to religious sensitivities. In fact recent restoration, which you are clearly unaware of, has shown that the Uggs wore Raybans and an early form of wellington boot - which I might add I shall be painting on to those models for maximum authenticity.


  7. A very interesting looking bunch of figures JBM. I thought maybe the cavemen were inspired by your recent-ish encounter with the Welsh Xenophobe!

    1. Lol. Must have been subconscious. If I cut off Ogg’s club and replace it with a bottle of semi skimmed… yeah that could work!
