Friday 8 July 2022

Be careful what you wish for…

This post was originally going to be called «The Day Of The Rat» a humorous tale of thwarted ambition and animal cruelty - but events have sadly overtaken me. 

You may recall a previous mention of my nipping over to France in September to have a look at Brittany, Cotes d’Armor and Lower Normandy - with a view to moving back there one day. No rush. Let the idea settle in. Do a bit of prep work…you get the picture.

Having taken our time to consider things in the round and presumably become comfortable with the concept I thought we might eventually put our house on the market and have a punt at it.

Again…no rush.

I had of course forgotten that the Current Mrs Broom is a force of nature - a woman who brooks no delay in anything. A week or so back she suggested that we got a valuation of our current gaff, so that we’d have an idea of what we’d be able to buy when we went over there. Seemed quite reasonable. Couldn’t argue with that. A valuation was duly booked. It turned out to be a good one. Very good in fact. Good enough that I couldn’t think of a valid reason not to put the house on the market straight away. 

Obviously it’d do no harm. I mean; finding a buyer takes months doesn’t it?

Apparently not. 

Within a week we had an offer of the full asking price and my carefully curated risk averse dip of a toe in the French property market had come apart at the seams. As proof, (if proof were needed) that we will soon be leaving, we were finally accepted onto the local Welsh NHS dentist list last week, (it’s only taken them 2 1/2 years to get around to it). 

All of that means that there’s been no gaming or even painting possible over the past ten days since everything has had to be squared away. The viewings have now stopped but thoughts are turning to packing stuff up for a move - or more likely putting stuff into short term storage. 

Without any gaming to report on blogging activity will naturally be sporadic for a bit and probably comprise of little more than place holding updates - so please accept my apologies in advance.

Suffice it to say that the lovely Elizabethan Pendraken 10mm army I’ve ordered will probably get little more than a cursory glance when it eventually arrives and the AVBCW project along with little a pre dreadnought flirtation I’d been working on will have to be shelved for the moment too. 

The removals men unloading my crap on Gold Beach

The whole thing’s pretty exciting - but more than a little bit scary too. Hopefully we made all our mistakes last time we lived on the other side of the Channel…gulp.

Toodleooh, or more accurately perhaps in future, «à bientôt mes amis!».


  1. Sounds like you’ve been foxed by the enemy, I mean the Mem, JBM. 😉
    Hopefully this time you won’t need to undertake any minor civil engineering projects.
    All the best

    1. Hi Chris, yeah mate, it happened like this the last time. I’m afraid the missus has mastered the art of using irrefutable logic against me!

  2. Wow! Moss does not grow in your shadow! Back to France and the wonderful exploits we all enjoy reading. Hooray for that! Now, what prompted the return after such a seemingly short stay in the UK?

    1. Have you ever tried living in Wales Jon....??🙄😀😜

    2. The place is beautiful, many of the people not so much.

  3. Sounds like Mrs Broom is cut from the same cloth as Mrs Ross! I guess it gets things done, but it can sometimes be a bit trying when they just charge ahead and get things done....we once went from a mild interest in the value of our house to having sold it in under a week....! Mind you, that was two or three dwellings back, and if was left up to me, we would probably never have moved....! "A bad plan, violently executed...." and all that!

    1. Yeah, it may be a more common situation than I first thought then. « A bad plan violently executed. » lolz. Story of my ruddy life mate!

  4. The move sounds both exciting and daunting at the same time.

    1. Hi Peter, it’s fair to say I’m shifting rapidly from one state to another at the moment!

  5. Ah the joy of house moving! My least favourite pastime! Still better to live somewhere you love than somewhere you have to be. One of our daughter in laws is French and I keep expecting number two son to cross the channel. I shall watch your progress with more than a little interest so as to be able to help him with comments of the ‘oh yes I thought that might happen’ variety. But not until after the event of course.

    1. Stay tuned for an ongoing story of disaster and great expense!

  6. Exciting and scary indeed! Great for you and Mrs Broom to have gone for it!
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Cheers Alan, I just wish it wasn’t the first time we’d gone for it. There is such a thing as pushing your luck!

  7. Well good luck with the move and all that. Looking at what you can buy in France for the value of our house is quite an eye opener. However due to being a perent/carer for our son, I can't see us ever being able to make to trip across the channel to sunnier climes. Hey ho or c'est la vie!

    1. Hi Steve, it was just a pie in the sky dream really until property prices surged out here. It’s also only possible because the wife has an Irish passport and I’m her plus one!

  8. Good for you! Good to sell now, perhaps , as there may be downturn coming. You were going to do it anyway...I look forward to hearing about your new French adventures!

    1. Dammit David your using the same logic the wife did. Why am I so helpless in the face of reasoned argument?!

  9. Best laid plans eh JBM :) Exciting times ahead clearly and I don't blame you one bit. Good on your Mrs!

  10. But will you be near enough to Les Riflemen?

    1. Sadly not - all though I would love to meet up with them some day, they put on some brilliant games.

  11. All the best with the move JBM! Very exciting and you both must have missed France and I am glad that the property market has moved your way. Plenty of money for more figures!
    I am looking forward to pictures of the new wargames suite of rooms!

    1. Hiya; exciting and terrifying in equal measure! Looking at a massive 7 bedroom place next week so no excuse for 3 x 3 gaming I » I buy that?! Lol.

  12. Good god sir…
    You are planning an escape… and you have published it on line…😳
    How much red tape can you deal with…

    Can I come with you?..

    All the best… Me

    1. Hi Aly, I’m afraid you’ve missed the chance to hide in my suitcase I’m off house hunting in France tomorrow! I’ve no doubt I’ll have to book in for reeducation when I return!

  13. Brilliant news and somewhat envious, women do seem to have an awful knack of using logic to push us in one direction or the other. However on occasions it has been known to be sound advice just don’t tell Mrs C that. Good luck and I hope the house hunting won’t take too long
