Tuesday 22 August 2023

This just in…

So I advertise an ECW PBEM campaign on my old blog about 3 years ago and got… <<crickets>>.

This time. Well this time the response was a bit unexpected.

Thanks to everyone who chucked their hat in the ring, (and to those that subsequently took it back out again to make room for others).

In the interests of fairness, I rolled a dice for each of those still in the mix and modified the scores by +1 if they were known to be really into the period and +1 if they’d sent me a bribe. Minus 1 was applied to all those deemed to be getting too much “gaming action” of late.

Two re rolls were needed to resolve a couple of ties and the eventual winners on this occasion were…


Graham C and Chris / Nundanket.

The dice Gods further decreed that Graham will command the tax dodging sons of liberty and Chris the storm troopers of British imperialism.

Apologies to everyone else but I hope to run another campaign for the same period in late autumn and other interested folks will definitely get a look in then (mainly cos I’m going to bar these two). Lol. 

Thankfully it’s just a crappy game so it’s not like the rest of you missed out on a Nobel prize or something. 

Graham and Chris will be getting their background campaign info in the next few days and I hope to get started reporting on the campaign itself in the 1st week of September - ish.

This is the hexed version of the strategic map that both Commanders will be presented with. 1 hex on here will translate to an entire 6x4 table when fighting battles. Fair warning. Not all of the terrain will turn out to be as shown and units will remain hidden from their opponents until they occupy an adjacent hex or are scouted out at longer range.

Thanks again everyone.


  1. Well the map looks good and I'm looking forward to seeing this all unfold. Good luck to both Graham and Chris and hope it all works out for you as GM Mark:).

    1. Thanks Steve, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well.

  2. Exciting times ( I hope) are a coming. Just trying to decide if the StarWars music will be suitable. I’m really pleased the bribe met with your expectations and I look forward to removing the lobster backs from our homeland

    1. Ah! The cawuption of these webellious wascals! We will have to bwing them back to order and loyalty to the cwown.

    2. Fingers crossed for a good game. I encourage biting and punching below the belt.

  3. Hexed map will make things easy for the commanders and us lowly civilian observers to understand. Looking forward to following the progress of this!

  4. Looking forward to the campaign unfolding.

    1. Thanks Norm, God knows how you dealt with that massive Napoleonic one you ran - but it was great fun.

  5. Chuffed to have a place at the e-table and am looking forward to crossing bayonets with Graham. I can't believe I missed your ECW campaign invitation on the previous blog.

  6. I know, mind you I could hardly go down much further, unless I punched a dolphin or shot a guide dog.

  7. Great to read that you have settled in and have plenty of hobby time in addition to looking after you stream of guests :) You certainly escaped from here at the right time mate! I really must email you for a chat.

    1. Hi Lee, please do! I thought you’d fallen out with me, lol. What with zoom games and such I’ve been making up for years of gaming drought - so at the moment it’s all good at this end. Drop me a line. Oh sorry PM me as the kids say. I’d be keen to hear how you are getting on.

  8. Weird could have sworn I commented, glad to hear your fully crewed up, looking forward to following it!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks mate - I have all sorts of problems commenting on blogs at the mo…including your own.
