Saturday, 16 November 2024


I’ve been slaving away at the work bench for a couple of weeks now (in between getting my ass handed to me in a couple of remote zoom games) but project Wiglaf is now finally complete. 

Well as finished as any project ever is…

All the miniatures I need for two opposing forces (the curse of the solo gamer) are painted and based…and the unusual off set square playing area has been cobbled together from foam board and off cuts of old battle mat (waste not want not). 

The figures are part of a range created by Daniel Mersey in 18mm and they depict warriors from the warring factions in 7th century Britain. I’ve gone with Christian Northumbrians versus Pagan Mercians. 

The rules that go with them seem like a cross between Dux Belorum and Saga, (but without the quirky special attributes or funky dice of Saga) and they are novel enough to have really caught my interest.

Something that I threw together over the weekend. Like you do. Shame I couldn’t be arsed to move the sea cloth from under it. Lazy is as lazy does.

I suspect that I’ll have a quick go at playing this next week, so a batrep will be forthcoming shortly. Ironically I seem to recall giving up on this project because I felt I wouldn’t have enough room to play it, though it transpires that with 12cm squares it would fit nicely on anyone’s kitchen table. lol. 

« All your base are belong to us » Apologies to readers over 65 or younger than 50 who won’t get the reference, but for those with an inquiring mind it’s an early internet meme. As you can see I might be 61 but I’m still down with the kidz. Apparently the internet is on computers now!

The next post will be the second battle in my naval campaign - but the planning and research for an Indian mutiny collection in 28mm have now begun in earnest - since The Current Mrs Broom claims to have spent a large chunk of my grandchildren’s inheritance on a metric ton of Empress Miniatures as an Xmas prezzie. 

Woo hoo! 

Miles better than some socks and a bottle of Old Spice I reckon. 

I hope Santa doesn’t bend their bayonets coming down the chimney.


Tarrarabit arr kid - as they used to say in Brum.