Tuesday 11 January 2022


The Tribe.

My latest gaming dalliance is with the excellent Paleo Diet Stone Age skirmish rules.

I can almost hear you saying WTF* Broom?! Where are the ruddy muskets, where’s the pikes? 

I know, I know, you didn't sign up for this nonsense (as was politely explained to me in an email by a recent ex blog follower!) however the heart wants what the heart wants and I guess in this day and age we all have to learn to live with disappointment don't we...besides Norm himself recently posted about subject matter drift - so I'm clearly in good company.

Anywhoo - should anyone out there still be reading this let me introduce the chaps I'll be using for my Paleo Diet hunting party. 

Igg: Quite a looker is our Igg, well that’s what his mom says anyhow. Igg has an eye for the laydeez and is currently trialling a new cologne of his own devising called… “hint of mammoth”.

Dave: Dave has a weird name and is often taunted by the others over his continual promulgation of conspiracy theories. Dave reckons that the Cromagnon’s and their so called “rock music” are somehow linked to the disappearing ice sheets. 

Ugg: A couple of Cromagnon boys gave Ugg this strange hunting contrivance - well they did when he agreed to stop strangling them. Now he’s got to work out how to use it.

Ogg: Ogg loves his new sedimentary cryptochrystalline chert tipped hunting stick. It sports the latest in bark textured grip control too. Here… Feel the weight.

Egg: Poor old Egg is a life long sufferer of explosive flatulence. Hunting parties have to ensure that Egg and Agg are kept apart where possible due to their potential combustibility.

Agg: Agg has quite a thing for fire. Quite an unnatural thing for fire come to think of it. If it burns…well you get the picture. Agg isn’t his actual name but it is the sound he makes when bits of burning tar drip off the branch onto his head.

It’s been a long old time since I’ve painted figures this big (32mm - Lucid Eye) but I think they came out okay. Both Ugg and Agg are fairly clumsy conversions to cover the requirements for characters wielding fire and a bow - but they sort of work. Before I can get to actually gaming with them I’m obviously going to need a selection of animals to hunt and be hunted by. Fortunately there are a couple of sources to obtain these from and the whole things very much an ongoing, when I can be arsed, type of project…so no pressure.

Toodle ooh!

* My grandchildren are very keen for me to encourage a younger demographic to the hobby through the use of "text speak". As a strong advocate of all things new (cough) I am of course very happy to oblige and am delighted to learn that "WTF" apparently stands for Well That’s Fantastic. 

Who knew?


  1. Great figures and love the background fluff to each of the characters too: very entertaining:). I'm glad I now know what WTF refers to as I've obviously been using it incorrectly for years!

    As for divergence, it's your hobby, so frankly do with it what you want! I for one enjoyed this post and look forward to them going on a hunting trip in the precursor to Wales.

    1. Cheers Steve. It is my hobby of course, but I do bear in mind that some of you might stop popping by if I stray too far away from the more “vanilla” pike and shot type of post. Does that matter…well I’m embarrassed to say it sort of does. Dammit ((blushes)) a chap could get ruddy lonely out here in the Wild West without some of you coves leaving the odd comment from time to time, lol. Happy to set the record straight on WTF as well by the way, I’d hate to think people were making fools of themselves by using it incorrectly.

  2. Seems like a good excuse to watch this:


    Me LMAO*

    * Looking for Mammoth All Over

    1. Mate, those Armstrong & Miller clips were brilliant. I laughed like a ruddy drain. Never seen them before. Cheers for that.

    2. Wait until you see their Spitfire pilots sketches. They’re bare jokes innit.

  3. Nothing wrong with a bit of variety....Copplestone does "cavemen" (and women) too! I have considered they might be suitable system generated "baddies" for my Pulp contingents to battle against (along with skeletons, Greek and Egyptian mythological beings etc....the madness never ends!)

    1. Nope, the madness never ends. I might yet get some of the Copplestone figures to play the Cromagnons. Bit of tribal warfare or competing hunting parties maybe.

  4. Top stuff - variety is indeed the spice of life. The first guy,Igg, somehow made me think of Neil Young, 1970s. Has he got a crazy horse? 😄

    1. Hi David, yes he did have, but Ogg ate it. Spot on with the Neil Young comment by the way!

  5. You do have an eye for an entertaining back story. These are a set of rules that have a certain appeal for me as Mrs E studied Archaeology and Pre history at college and I did Geology so there is a definite pull here. I wonder what Auroch tastes of? Although Giant Ground Sloth may be more my speed.

    1. Hi Elenderil, yeah the back stories I have no problem with, it’s just the generalship I’m crap at. More synchronicity at work here as well I see, I did Geology at A level but never went to Uni with it as I’d intended. I have a suspicion that the current Mrs Broom might get involved with playing Paleo Diet and maybe the grand kids too - so that’ll be a bonus. If the universal laws hold true, Auroch will undoubtedly taste just like chicken.

  6. The figures look great and looking forward to reading posts about their exploits.

    1. Thanks Peter, it’ll still be a week or two in the making I suspect, though the terrain etc is already done thank goodness.

  7. WTF(Well Their Fantastic)…
    Bring on the Mammoths…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Hi Aly, I’m a bit spoilt for choice on the megafauna models front. There’s a really interesting selection available from giant killer emu’s to enormous ground sloth’s like Elenderil referred to. S’pose I’ll have to have a mammoth or two though. Wouldn’t feel stone agey without a mammoth would it?!

  8. Very nice character sculpts and your brush has done them full justice. Look forward to the adventures that fall from this.

    1. Oh, cheers Norm. The sculpts are very nice as you say. I’d have been hard pressed to screw these up too badly.

  9. Love the backgrounds - totally relaxed over the mix of periods. If I'm not interested in it I do not read it rather than grumble!

    1. Well that’s good to know matey, thanks for leaving a comment - it’s a fair way of approaching it I think.

  10. We're off again JBM! Everything you post here I find thoroughly entertaining, that's why I keep coming back, and this is no exception. The character descriptions gave me a good laugh :) Actually bought to mind one of my favourite scenes from Carry on Cleo.... a square wheel can't roll backwards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InZ6Ylc68uM&t=2s

    Keep up the good work mate.

    1. Thanks Lee, I can always rely on you for an encouraging word. You can’t go wrong with a Carry On film can you…Jim Dale… ye Gods he looks young in that clip.

  11. I can’t believe someone would complain about your blog content.
    As hard as I try I’m resigned to the fact that I’m not a one period man my imagination and those Wargame butterflies lead me all over even after all these years. This little project is excellent and the Lucid Eye figures superb, didntbSteve Barber do a small range as well. I shall enjoy following Dave and his pals.

    1. There’s nowt as funny as folk Graham. Bothered me for a bit, but I’m over it now and he did have a point of sorts…I’ve gone from War of the Roses and ECW to Martians and cavemen in just over a year. Bit disorientating even for me, truth be told!

    2. “I’ve gone from War of the Roses and ECW to Martians and cavemen in just over a year. Bit disorientating even for me, truth be told!”
      Yeah!… That sounds like a normal 24hours for me…😂

  12. Well That's Fantastic! You bring us back to the roots of our wargaming heritage.

    1. Literally!

      I can’t help thinking that Ogg may be on to something. The way the worlds going we may all end our days fighting with chert tipped pointy sticks.

  13. Splendid looking cave man types and your background is always entertaining!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I know you like gaming with ancients. I think you’d agree that you can’t get more ancient than this!
