Yeah I couldn’t decide on a title for this post since it’ll be covering a lot of bases (wargaming joke?). My first instinct, given the season was to go with…
Ho Ho Ho
But then this is a family friendly blog so mention of three American prostitutes is probably not appropriate.
Lead Tsunami
Would be a good reference to the enormous pile of Empress figures that arrived in the post as part of my Christmas prezzie from the wife… but it does sound a bit like a 1980’s metal band so I’ll leave that be. Note - Lead Tsunami would make a great support act for my equally imaginary 70’s prog rock group Pyroclastic Flow.
Be careful what you wish for
Was exactly how I felt when I realised how much painting and basing now lies ahead of me.
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And that’s before the cavalry, civilians, elephants, and more artillery arrive. |
Glug glug
In reference to my French / Austro Hungarian naval campaign which came crashing to an early and as yet undocumented end after a major convoy was intercepted and the pride of the Austro Hungarian navy was sent to rest on the sea bed.
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The protected cruiser Friant was the only French casualty. I’d show you the Austro Hungarian ships but they’re all at the bottom of my plastic hexagonal sea. |
It’s not often that I’m confronted with something new in the hobby, but too much free internet time led me to something that the cool kids are currently messing around with and which after 50 years of dicking around with models I’d never come across before.
Just take all your old ready to discard plastic sprue drop it in a jar of acetone and leave it overnight. The next day you’ll have a putty like substance that can be molded at will and which will return to spruce plastic hardness in 24hrs.
While gooey it struggles a bit to retain its shape so I suspect I will be pressing it into molds to produce walls, window frames etc for my Indian mutiny terrain.
Next year will see more in the way of painting progress reports than gaming so apologies in advance. Here’s four of my bazar rabble (sans proper basing) to kick things off.
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Good job I’ve enjoyed painting these cos there’s another 150 to go! lol. |
Here’s hoping you all have a great Kwanza, Festivus, Christmas, Yule, whatever… and as Dave Allen used to say… May your [insert deity(s) of choice] go with you.