Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Unexpected progress

Okay, so the Indian Mutiny project is going well at the moment and I’ve been “knocking out” a whole 2 figures a day. 

Yeah I know. Faster than a thousand greased gazelles.

Also I took the decision to start on the none standard uniformed figures with the largest unit figure count (16 - for The Men Who Would Be Kings). Get the hard stuff out of the way first, eh!

These chaps are the sweepings of the bazaar. Demobilised soldiers, religious fanatics, cutpurses, cutthroats and badmashes - stirred into a hate filled frenzy by that ex havildar still wearing his red uniform. They’re armed with an assortment of swords, spears and a fair few Brown Bess muskets, though they’re going to be outranged by my regulars and their Indian pattern Enfield rifles. No doubt they’ll be swarming over the lads of the 64th foot (next in the painting queue) pretty soon.

The sweepings of the bazaar.

The sculpts are wonderful but I am always struggling against my limited painting skills and the realisation that first and foremost they’re for gaming with. As an example, and despite all the YouTube tutorials I’ve watched, I avoid doing “eyes” not only because they’re fiddly but because they inevitably end up looking like this.


The late (great?) Marty Feldman

I suppose on a play balance level it does disadvantage the British who can no longer “fire when they see the whites of their eyes”. lol. 

Anywhoo apologies for the slightly pointless show and tell post, that I promised myself I’d never do, but it’s either write this post or cut up a load of logs - so no contest really.

Once again have a great Xmas!