Sunday, 29 December 2024

Who’s a lucky lad?

Well I am, as it happens.

As a miserable grumpy old cynic I have constantly been amazed by the support, wit, and camaraderie of our gaming / hobby community. 

One particularly good egg, who is far to modest to want a specific mention, but whose name happens to rhyme with Aly Morrison, recently and completely unbidden, sent me this bunch of lads by way of encouragement for my Indian Mutiny project. 

How bloody wonderful was that?! 

Obviously I don’t want to name the cove in question - but thanks mate they’re hugely appreciated. 


  1. Brilliant gift to get and a nice boost to your collection. The generosity and kindness of fellow wargamers is just the best, a super bunch of people.

    1. You’re right Donny, a pretty good bunch to rub along with when you think about it.

  2. Splendid morale boost to receive a project seed from the Great One, himself! Well done, “Aly”!

    1. Aly? Aly? Why on earth would Aly send me this lot? I’m afraid my secret benefactors name (which must remain a secret) only rhymes with Aly Morrison. lol. ;-) The big man would never stoop so low as to engage with the likes of me.

  3. Well, golly. Just goes to show you the kind (of) things that can happen when you don't protect personal information like your postal address and people can find you.

    1. Hi Ed, can’t say it worries me cos there’s bugger all else they could find out about me to exploit. The address was actually obtained from the fiercest guardian of my details that I could ask for. Anywhoo - If the outcome of such laxity is extra toy soldiers I’m all for it. lol.

  4. Fantastic gift! That gets the New Year off to a head start.
    Well done, erm, Sally Jorrison(?).

  5. A generous gift and will certainly boost your Indian mutiny project.

    1. Yeah very generous, God knows what I did to deserve it!

  6. What a splendid gift from an benefactor who shall remain anonymous it would seem😉! It always nice to see the generosity of gamers as we all have stuff I'm sure could find a better and more deserving home: I know I have!

    1. Maybe we should organise an international swop meet! lol. I have a ton of 6 mm Baccus ECW stuff I’d be happy to pass on if anyone has a use for em. Not enough for two large armies but a good start for someone.

  7. A very nice gift and sent at an appropriate time of year, too! I have been shamelessly posting images of arriving cartons with my address emblazoned all over them for years, but so far, no random 10mm Ancient Britons have arrived......LOL!

  8. That is a fantastic gift old chap - he-who-must-not-be-named is a top bloke for sure!

    Looking forward to where this takes you with your project!

    All the best,


    1. Bloody right he is…and you’re not so bad yourself. Happy new year to you and yours!

  9. Wonderful gift JBM from your secret Santa.

  10. Enjoy. Good act of kindness.

  11. Certainly was Norm. Currently enjoying them to the max.

  12. Someone close to me who knows a certain ‘Mr Rhymes With Aly ‘ has been asked to pass on his best regards to you … And is delighted that you are so happy with your new toys.

    All the best. Me,

    1. Ooh nice to hear from you Aly, please pass my thanks on to your mate for me, and tell him I’m as pleased as punch.
