Sunday, 16 February 2025

Jungle is massive*

*You can Google it up if you like, but trust me it’s really not going to be your bag daddyo.

Anywhoo…Had a few problems with the old noggin just lately but I’ve been “saved” to a very large extent by total immersion in the painting of the following miniatures.

The comments on the paperboys bushes (last post) were supportive but mostly lukewarm, so the Current Mrs Broom sourced me these stands of jungle terrain from Temu. I’ve ordered the same amount again so this jungle will hopefully end up fairly large…if not actually massive. The paperboy stuff was okay but I think this is better. It was ridiculously cheap. 

As you can see the mutineers have acquired a new 9lb cannon which I’ve set against the foliage in order to give a sense of scale.

Also off the painting desk are two more platoons of mutineers (whose bases are yet to be finished) and these lovely ladies who’ll be appearing in a forthcoming freeform narrative campaign. 

From left to right they are: 

Lady Beatrice Weatherby-Blythe, wife of the regional commissioner Sir Charles. She’ll be doing her best to tend to the wounded in the fictitious but soon to be besieged settlement of Jullundpur.

Constance Weatherby-Blythe, eldest daughter of Sir Charles and Lady Beatrice. Constance likes sports, arm wrestling and shooting, oh and sports. Constance is mainly employed in resisting the advances of numerous young officers and politico’s leaving many of them to suspect she is “on the wrong bus”. Did I mention she likes sports?

Lettice Weatherby-Blythe. Youngest daughter of the sahib and memsahib. Lettice likes elephants and rainbows and needlepoint. She’s a crack shot with that pistol by the way, though she’d never hurt a fly.

Mrs Lawford and “the child”. Mrs Lawford is the wife of colonel Lawford - currently away on East India Company business in Simla. The Lawfords live in a bungalow on the edge of town. I’ve yet to make up my mind about the sprog, but I strongly suspect (if TV has taught me anything) that she’ll go missing at the most inopportune moment. lol. 

The miniatures portion of the project is finally nearing completion and soon I’ll be moving more fully on to terrain. Incidentally, the spruegoo I made a while back has now found employment as multiple palm tree bases so it’s not been wasted. As you can sort of see below, there’s a cart, an Elephant called Colin, a Raja, a troop of irregular mutineer cavalry and the last bunch of soldiers left to finish off.

Right… I’m off to a gunfight with the Rejects at Jon’s house tomorrow night so I’d best go and polish my six guns in anticipation.
