Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Peanut butter and jelly

Just thought I’d throw up a couple of pictures of another unit that’s recently rolled off the painting bench. 

This bunch are my interpretation of Hodson’s Horse, interpretation because I’ve seen half a dozen different uniform schemes for them on the internet. 

Hodson was one of those larger than life Victorian figures who was given command of an adhoc cavalry group and allowed to let rip. The unit established a very fine reputation and still remains today as an armoured unit in the Indian Army. 

Quick hat tip to Keith over at the Bydand blog while I’m at it. He recently posted about terrain available on the paperboys website. I was quite taken by what I saw and bought what I thought was a very cheap and quick way to produce some of the jungle foliage and river banks needed for my Indian setting. I’m still quite chuffed at how the elephant grass (below) came out - but while the file for this was only a quid and I can reprint it a gazillion times, the printer ink cost is an unexpected and limiting factor to consider. I’m keen to hear what people think about this stuff. Would it work for you?

Elephant grass is of course native to Africa rather than India, but…well…it sort of works for me…and I’m going to need something for my new (animal) tiger model to prowl around in. 

If my Warbases order ever turns up it’ll be time for some girlies next! 



  1. Excellent looking finish, on a memorable unit! Are these still Empress miniatures? Lovely sculpts and the paper terrain works well, maybe try some non brand inks for your terrain printing to keep the costs down, you can't really print at work after everyone has gone home,which might have happened, to someone anyway!
    Best Iain

    1. Iain! You didn't report the person using company resources for private gain?

    2. Private gain? You can make money out of this stuff?
      Best Iain

    3. Thanks Iain, yeah these are still Empress Miniatures. Cavalry of any sort or scale is always my nemesis but I still enjoyed painting these - which is a new experience in itself. One of the downsides of being retired is that I can’t use company facilities anymore but none brand inks might be the way forward as you suggest.

  2. Fantastic horsemen, Mark! Your elephant grass experiment turned out nicely as well.

    1. Thanks Jon, I’m pretty pleased with them. One 8 figure unit per side is all that TMWWBK allows per game so I’ve just a single unit of irregular mutineer cavalry to do and the worst will be over!

  3. Well those cavalry chaps look rather spiffing old boy:)! If there's conflicting uniform info etc out there, I simply go with the one that appeals to me most. I think the elephant grass works well, but me being me, I'd base them as per my other terrain to start with. Then I think I'd also be tempted to paint in some more colours so they look brighter, rather than water colours. I've seen games where this 2D approach is used and after a few minutes, you don't notice they're not 3D.

    1. Hi Steve, you’d have thought that by nearly 1860 there’d be decent and accurate info available wouldn’t you? Instead we get famous painters dashing off heroic pictures with Highlanders in kilts they didn’t wear and so on. I’m still in two minds about the elephant grass, though I agree that the 2D aspect sort of disappears when there’s enough of it on the table. If I could find some decent plastic jungly scatter terrain I’d use that I think, but I’m still looking at the mo. First world problems to have eh! lol.

    2. Lots of jungle terrain I've seen has been sourced from aquaruium plants, pretty economically?
      Best Iain

    3. Thanks Iain, that’s a good suggestion and I have looked for something of that sort…but probably need to look a bit harder. I have seen a lovely Hindu temple statue that is meant to go in a goldfish bowl and would look quite nice on the table, lol.

    4. I did a quick search on ebay for aquarium plants, with loads of options from buying direct from China if you want loads of stuff (I don't), through to UK based resellers where the volume of product is more in keeping with my needs. The stuff I made can be seen on my Blog here:


    5. Cheers Steve, I knew I’d seen something like what I wanted on a blog but I couldn’t for the life of me think which one. That cannon was bloody awesome by the way!

  4. Those cavalry look splendid, JBM! And wow, look at me, I am an influencer, 😆 Glad the Paper Boys terrain worked out for you....the printing costs are one of the few downsides of being retired....I just print everything at work!

    1. Damn straight you’re an influencer, I’ve seen loads of great stuff on your blog. Just waiting for the wifey to ask why the colour ink cartridge has run out again… we only replaced it last week. lol.

  5. The cavalry look great and the elephant grass works well when clumped together.

    1. Thanks Peter, looks like I’ve got to make a whole bunch more of that grass if I want to get a good effect, but it’s probably worth it.

    2. I have some spare plastic grass about 20mm high I can send you if interested.

  6. Looking good my man! The elephant grass looks good too. I see you’ve re-cycled the shirts from your Subbuteo Luton Town squad for the turbans.😉
    I was surprised to see the Indian Army has kept on the regimental name, especially from a unit involved in suppressing the rebellion. Learn something every day.
    ZZ Hood (deceased)

    1. Hi Chris, yeah I never thought of that aspect, maybe their later service washed away that particular stain? Luton town?! You are a card.

  7. Great looking figures JBM.
    The elephant grass looks fine. I think Steve's idea of basing them would help as well.

    I switched from a cartridge printer to one that uses a tank. Instead of paying $50 for 5ml in a cartridge I get 100mls in a bottle and just top up the tank. The tank printer cost $300 instead of $75 but you make up for that by printing what ever you want and not worrying about the ink cost or running out.

    1. Hey Ben, whatever the solution to my printing issues turns out to be, there does need to be one. Even without trying to print off a ruddy jungle the cartridges don’t last long. Never heard of a tank and top up style printer before but I’ll get the current Mrs broom to Google it up and see what she can wrangle out of the Chinese. Cheers for the info.

    2. This is the one I have JBM.
      Bit more expensive than I remember but still I find not having to worry about ink costs is great.

    3. Ooh cheers for that Ben, it looks like it’ll cost about €350 over here. It’s a bit above my budget but I know the wife wants a printer in her craft room so maybe we can go halfers on it.

  8. Lovely work on the cavalry, cracking job on such a famous regiment. I think the 2D scenery works well, they look fine and on the table in a game set up should certainly add to it.

    1. Thanks Donnie - I’m pretty pleased with how all this is turning out.

  9. the riders look good. nice job.
    I don't love paper terrain, I tried it once or twice and couldn't ever get it to not look like paper.
    it'll do the job though. and if everything is made of paper it'll at least look consistent and that itself sells it. 😁

    1. Hi Stew, seems your views are in accord with the Current Mrs Broom who has “taken steps” to remedy the situation on my behalf. I await a bulk order of plastic “jungle” from Temu.

  10. Lovely looking cavalry Mark…
    The Paper Boys grass is very good… even with the hidden cost of printer ink.

    It’s well worth looking into the plastic fish tank foliage…as well as being fairly cheap it is also quite robust…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Hi Aly, the cavalry are wargaming standard paint jobs - which is the best I can manage these days. The Current Mrs Broom used her superior googlefoo to order me a metric ton of plastic jungle - so that’ll probably replace the paper if it’s half decent.

  11. Good looking bunch of chaps you have there old boy.

    1. Why thank you very much matey…whoever you may be!
